Please provide a concise abstract for the project. Specific outcomes or deliverables of the program-funded project should be clearly identified, including a description of how the project is to be implemented and how it advances transit-oriented development at the project site. Please attach a map indicating where in the TOD boundary the project would impact. For construction projects, an engineer’s estimate is highly recommended. Please note that for a project that requires construction above $50,000, 30% design plans may be requested. |
* Indicate efforts completed or currently underway that demonstrate the applicant’s readiness to implement the award upon receipt. For a Design Plan, this can include, but is not limited to preliminary studies, assessments, and planning efforts, and community engagement efforts. For public infrastructure improvements and gap funding, this can include but is not limited to contractual documentation, design plans, feasibility analysis and documentation of progress on entitlements. You may optionally attach documentation if it helps concisely demonstrate your answer. |