​​FY25 Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Capital Grant and Revolving Loan Fund

Application for Funding

 ​The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) TOD Capital Grant and Revolving Loan Fund is a Statewide competitive program that promotes the equitable and inclusive development of TODs by providing financial assistance to local jurisdictions or their development partners.

Instructions: Please review the FY25 Notice of Funding Opportunity and program webpage before completing your application. Applicants seeking funding for eligible projects must complete this application for consideration. If you have questions regarding the application, please contact TODprogram@mdot.maryland.gov.

Section 1 – Applicant Information

2. Primary Contact Information

3. Is the lead applicant a private or nonprofit development partner? (YES/NO)

Section 2 – Funding Proposal

Section 3 – Project Plan and Readiness

Section 4 – Project Funding Plan/Budget.

Section 5 – Equity & Inclusion Goal Attainment  

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